Taking the long view of school leadership
  October 08 2018
Vin Osbaldeston tells Liam Donnison how vital a strong senior leadership team is to a school’s long-term success.
Tap into the power of NPQ partnerships
  October 03 2018
In an education system that depends increasingly on schools working in partnership, it makes sense that the national professional skills programmes that school leaders need today should be created and delivered in the same way.
Don't miss out on fully-funded National Professional Qualifications
  June 29 2018
The Department for Education has allocated a £10 million fund for scholarships for eligible candidates undertaking National Professional Qualifications in school leadership.
BPN announces International Professional Qualifications
  June 01 2018
Best Practice Network is pleased to announce that in conjunction with the National Learning Trust we are now offering our IPQs to the international market. This means that those living abroad can complete our DfE-accredited leadership programmes without having to return to the UK.
School improvement on a budget
  May 10 2018
Today’s school leaders are faced with the challenge of school improvement in times of tight budgets. Liam Donnison talks to Warrington head Jon Wright about his approach to this issue.
NPQ scholarship funding to continue for the autumn 2018 intake
  April 13 2018
We were very pleased with the number of applications we received for the spring courses across the four National Professional Qualifications in school leadership. This was partly due to the scholarships for participants in Opportunity Areas and the Department for Education has confirmed that they expect to fund all eligible scholarships for autumn 2018 starters out of the £10m fund that was allocated at the end of 2017.