How can Best Practice Network help?

We can help your school or setting recruit new apprentices within Early Years, Playworker and Teaching Assistant positions.

Our dedicated recruitment team will work with you to find the best candidates for your vacancy. We will: 

  • Advertise - Your vacancy will be placed on our website, job boards as well as the Find and Apply website 
  • Screen Applicants - We will hold an initial call with all applicants to assess their eligibility
  • Pass on Candidates to your hiring team - We will contact you with a pool of applicants with notes for you to interview
  • Enrol - Once you have chosen the perfect candidate(s), we will help enrol them onto the next intake of our apprenticeship programme

Get started today by filling out our vacancy form below to tell us more about who you are looking for. A member of our Recruitment Team will then be in touch to arrange an initial call.

Apprenticeship Vacancy Form