Make apprenticeship routes a big part of your leadership development plans
  August 03 2021
Apprenticeships now offer a cost-effective route to professional development of school leaders, but many schools have yet to grasp the opportunity,
Leaders an apprentice's own words
  February 11 2021
Hear apprentices share their experience.
Best Practice Network launches early years apprenticeship
  February 09 2021
Award-winning training provider Best Practice Network (BPN) has launched a new apprenticeship programme for early years staff.
How to use your levy for leadership development
  January 19 2021
The apprenticeship levy has been with us since 2017 but there are still misconceptions about how it can be used to support professional development in schools - Tracy Clement offers some guidance.
Spring 2021 NPQ intake - registration open
  October 16 2020
Due to high demand from teachers and school leaders to access NPQ scholarships in recent months, the DfE is conducting a review to assess demand against available funding. When the DfE scholarship funding position becomes clear, we will contact you if we need to discuss alternative funding options.
Schools can fund NPQs through apprenticeship levy following Best Practice Network appointment
  July 24 2020
Schools across England will now be able to use their apprenticeship levy to cover the cost of National Professional Qualification (NPQ) leadership development programmes for middle and senior leaders.