Partner Spotlight: Rainbow Teaching School Hub
Partner Spotlight: Rainbow Teaching School Hub
Each month we showcase one of our delivery partners who help us develop, deliver and facilitate our programmes nationwide. This month, we caught up with the team at Rainbow Teaching School Hub.
Where are you based?
We are based in the North-West. Our Hub area covers Sefton, Knowsley and St Helens, but we do also work with some schools outside our hub area who prefer to complete the Early Career Framework (ECF) or National Professional Qualification (NPQs) through Best Practice Network.
Who are Rainbow Teaching School Hub?
We are part of the Rainbow Multi Academy Trust. We are a small but perfectly formed team who are dedicated to doing all we can to support teachers, at all stages of their career, across our hub area. As a part of the Rainbow Education Multi Academy Trust, our aim is to improve outcomes for ‘each and every child’, an ethos we extend to all schools we work with.
Why did you choose to work with Best Practice Network?
We originally chose Best Practice Network because of a long-standing working relationship and the positive reputation they have in the sector, particularly in the local area. We continue to work with BPN as we have developed a strong partnership, they are easy to work with, and love that they are always willing to look at ways to improve the programmes. They pay particular attention to improving how the programme is administered, to make it more beneficial and accessible for all. Best Practice Network also allows us to use our knowledge of the local context to facilitate sessions to maximise attendance and engagement.
How do you work with your school network to have input into programme development?
We try to include as many of the schools in our hub areas as possible in discussions about how they find the programmes, what works well, and what would make the programmes even better. We are lucky to be involved in several local boards and groups where we can keep key stakeholders up to date with changes and improvements, and listen to their feedback and suggestions. Where possible we implement changes quickly and other suggestions are fed back to BPN. Following our re-designation, we have also identified some key areas where we would like to strengthen the material, making it more inclusive and representative of all our schools. As a result of this, we have enlisted the help of several schools who we haven’t previously worked closely with, giving us opportunities to give a broader range of input into programme development whilst building stronger relationships.
We have started collaboration on faith-specific and also SEND-provision-focused material with schools in our area and Best Practice Network. We look forward to being able to provide an even greater degree of specific focus to our programmes for the next cohorts.
What have been your greatest successes/ the impact of your work since becoming a Teaching School Hub?
We have been fortunate to have had a number of successes over the last few years. One of our greatest successes has been building a team of brilliant facilitators who have significant ‘real life’, experience of teaching. They understand the local context and are able to support participants, whether on the ECF or NPQ programmes, to deepen their knowledge and take their learning back to school. Overall this improves the outcomes for children and helps retain more skilled teachers in the profession.
What do you think about the latest ECF changes?
We think the changes have the potential to be really positive. We understand the pressure schools face for Early Career Teachers and Mentors for time and resources. Feedback is often that schools struggle to release ECTs for training and Mentors are often the most experienced members of staff and have multiple responsibilities. Anything that eases some of these pressures, reduces the time out of school and gives more scope for flexibility can only be a positive. We will be closely monitoring the feedback and will continue to do all we can to support ECTs and Mentors through this key stage of their career.
Why should schools choose Rainbow Teaching School Hub for their staff professional development?
Rainbow TSH team are dedicated to supporting all schools in developing the best teachers they can be and improve outcomes for children. We live and work in the Hub area so have a understanding of the local context and have worked hard to build a skilled team who understand the programmes and processes, and will do all they can to assist participants at every stage of their journey.
What advice would you give to Early Career Teachers?
Build strong relationships with your colleagues and don’t be afraid to ask them for support and guidance when you need it. Be kind to yourself and take pride in even the smallest wins. Remember to reflect on your learning and see how far you’ve come!
What makes an excellent Mentor?
Someone who has a genuine interest in developing and supporting people to be their best. Someone who can give honest and direct feedback in a kind and supportive way and can keep their mentee accountable for their own development.
Looking for more information?
You can find out more information about what we offer at Rainbow Teaching School Hub here
If you would like any more information on our ECF programme, get in contact with us:
Tel: +44 (0) 117 920 9200 (8.30am-5.30pm, Mon-Fri)