Partner Spotlight: Churchdown School Academy
Partner Spotlight: Churchdown School Academy
Each month, we showcase one of our delivery partners who help us develop, deliver and facilitate our programmes nationwide. This month, we caught up with the team at Churchdown School Academy who work with us to deliver the National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) and the Early Career Framework (ECF).
Who are Churchdown School Academy?
Churchdown School Academy is a large secondary school and Best Practice Network delivery partner based in Gloucestershire.
Why did you choose to work with Best Practice Network?
We wanted to work with a reputable organisation with extensive experience in teacher professional development. At the same time, we wanted to retain autonomy so we could ensure we could bring these programmes and qualifications to a regional audience in a relevant and impactful way.
How do you work with your school network to have input into programme development?
We actively seek to engage with a wide range of schools and facilitators to ensure our team is broad and rich in experience. This helps us make these programmes increasingly relevant to each participant.
What is important to schools in your area?
Credibility and relationships. Schools want to know that the people leading these programmes have real, high-quality educational experience.
What has been your greatest success as a delivery partner?
We know we are doing a good job when participants come back to us when they are ready for the next stage of their career development.
Why should schools choose Churchdown for their staff professional development?
We work closely with everyone in our network to ensure our delivery of core programmes are relevant and suited to their audience. Our participants can be sure that they are receiving training from current school leaders who know their context, understand their challenges and, crucially, have experience of success.
What do you think about the ECF proposed changes?
One of the most powerful aspects of being such a significant partner of Best Practice Network is the ability it gives us to pass on constructive feedback about the ECF, which we receive from both Early Career Teachers (ECTs) and Mentors. Best Practice Network has been proactive in working with us to change what is within their control, whilst also using their national position to raise the feedback with the DfE.
What advice would you give to Early Career Teachers?
Network, network, network! Whether it is in your own school or with other ECTs across the region, make connections to build your understanding of your profession.
What makes an excellent Mentor and what impact can this role have on a new teacher?
An excellent Mentor is everything. It is a relationship which can stay with the mentee for the rest of their career. A quality Mentor really gets to know their mentee so they know when they need to challenge and stretch, support and nurture. It's an incredibly rewarding relationship for both sides and should never be underestimated.
Looking for more information?
You can find out more information about what we offer at Churchdown School Academy here.
If you would like any more information on our ECF or NPQ programmes, get in contact with us:
Tel: +44 (0) 117 920 9200 (8.30am-5.30pm, Mon-Fri)