Best Practice Network to begin training new teachers in 2023

Best Practice Network to begin training new teachers in 2023
Best Practice Network is thrilled to announce that we have been made an official ITT provider.
The addition of ITT to our suite of qualifications means that we can now train teachers and then support them for the rest of their careers.
We envision our trainee teachers gaining Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) with us before going on to complete Early Career Framework (ECF) training to build a solid foundational understanding of pedagogy and teaching best practice.
As they progress in their careers, they might choose to specialise in a specific area of teaching and complete one of our Specialist NPQs. Should they develop ambitions to join their school SLT or become a headteacher then we could support them with a Leadership NPQ.
This end-to-end career support for teachers is known as the Golden Thread and Best Practice Network is thrilled to be one of the first providers to be approved by the Department for Education to offer this whole broad suite of training.
We look forward to working with the same school leaders we have trained through the NPQs and ECF to train the next generation of teachers.
Simon Little
Managing Director
Best Practice Network