Video: Examining the DfE’s ‘Golden Thread of CPD’
Video: Examining the DfE’s ‘Golden Thread of CPD’
Here is the recording of our panel session from Schools & Academies Show, examining the Dept for Education’s ‘Golden Thread of CPD’; its Policy, Challenges and Opportunities.
Kelly McKay, ECF Programme Director at Best Practice Network, led a panel discussion at the Schools & Academies Show on Examining the Dept for Education’s ‘Golden Thread of CPD’; its Policy, Challenges and Opportunities. The panel guests included Sufian Sadiq, Director of Teaching School at Chiltern Learning Trust, Klare Rufo, Primary Trust Advisor at the Archdiocese Of Liverpool Primary School Improvement Trust, and Ann Davey, Chief Executive Officer at Pathfinder Schools.
The session covered:
- Continuous Teacher Improvement – from the Early Career Framework to the new NPQs
- How can effective CPD impact learner outcomes and improve rates of teacher recruitment & retention?
- How can we deliver coherent CPD through effective school-led partnerships?
A recording of the panel session is available to watch below: