Early Years SENCO case study - Jude Wood
Early Years SENCO case study - Jude Wood
We spoke to Jude Wood, a childminder and EY SENCO graduate, who is currently working in her own setting. She decided to enrol on the Early Years SENCO Programme to improve her knowledge and gain an extra qualification as a childminder.
How has the Early Years SENCO programme enhanced your leadership skills and your career?
It has helped my skills in my setting as I feel more confident now in my knowledge of SEND, in identifying children with SEND and having the confidence to speak to parents and other practitioners.
What did you enjoy about your time on the programme?
Some Early Years courses are more aimed at Nursery Practitioners so I was very pleased to see this course was suitable for childminders too. I enjoyed the content and found I learnt a lot, it encouraged me to read more books about the subjects in the course. The WhatsApp group I was in with other practitioners was a huge boost and helped along the way.
What would you say to someone thinking about applying?
I would recommend the course to others and especially to other childminders as it's a great opportunity to do a Government-funded course about such an important subject.
Since the pandemic, practitioners have seen a rise in children with SEND in their setting so this course is really important.
The DfE has announced that childminders can now join the EY SENCO programme without requiring a Level 3 qualification! With increased flexibility of delivery and fewer barriers to entry, even more childminders in England can become EY SENCO Certified for FREE. Secure a remaining place on our final cohort and gain essential skills in supporting children with SEN.
Looking for more information about our EY SENCO programme?
Visit our page or get in contact with us.
Email: eysen@bestpracticenet.co.uk
Tel: +44 (0) 117 920 9200 (8.30am-5.30pm, Mon-Fri)