BPN Vision for Mentoring

At Best Practice Network (BPN) we know the importance of expert mentors and their impact on the development of Student Teachers.

We empower our mentors by refining knowledge and skills of effective mentoring practices through a bespoke mentor curriculum. This is underpinned by current research so that our mentors have opportunities to build a certified professional portfolio and career progression.

The wellbeing of our mentors in fundamentally important to us. We support our mentors to ensure that high quality delivery happens without the need for unnecessary workload.

We pride ourselves on the strength of our mentor community and the sharing of best practice so that our mentors continue to learn and grow throughout their time as a BPN mentor.

We are committed to professional growth for all regardless of prior mentoring experience.

BPN Values and Mentoring Circle 

BPN Rationale for the ITT Mentor Training Model:

In accordance with our vision the mentor training model has been designed to be pragmatic and judicious to ensure that our mentors are well equipped to support their trainee throughout the learning journey and also have the opportunity to develop as practitioners in their own right, whilst avoiding creating an unnecessary workload through onerous tasks.

The Mentor Development Review (MDR):

To support mentors to refine their knowledge and skills of effective mentoring practices, they will complete an MDR during the induction cycle and revisit this throughout the time that they are mentoring their Student Teacher. The mentor will reflect on their overall progress in June with their Lead Mentor (LM).

The MDR consists of a series of areas with statements that mentors will rate themselves against. The initial ratings will identify the priority mentoring area for development during the Induction Cycle. This should focus on one section of the MDR e.g. ‘Professional Knowledge’ and the mentor will identify actions to improve this area. There are suggested actions that mentors can choose from, or they can add their own. The final document will be uploaded to Canvas. This will form the start of a mentor portfolio for mentors who return to BPN and will enable us to monitor development and progress within mentoring and develop the mentoring training curriculum as appropriate.

Apprentice teachers thrive in a school setting. Daily interaction with students, coupled with mentor guidance, provides a unique training ground unavailable elsewhere. Initial Teacher Training delivers effective teaching skills for long-term success. However, apprentice teachers require additional support from an in-school mentor who will guide them and support them during their training.

The Department for Education (DfE) is introducing new requirements for ITT mentors starting from the 2024/25 academic year. This is great news for schools as it prioritises high quality mentor development which will have a positive impact on trainees and lead to improved outcomes for pupils.

Please click below for full details of the latest requirements and how to make sure your school complies with them.

Information for ITT Mentors


Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Mentor Training Requirements Document

The role of an in-setting mentor is crucial for the success of an Early Years Initial Teacher Training (EYITT) trainee. The support and guidance provided by mentors enable aspiring Early Years Teachers to develop the ability to reflect on their practice and help them succeed in the achievement of the Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS).

These mentors, experienced and knowledgeable colleagues, are indispensable in helping trainees develop reflective practices, and enhancing their subject knowledge, professional skills, and behaviours.


Information for EYITT Mentors

Welcome to the Best Practice Network mentor online community. Thank you for agreeing to take the role of in-school mentor on the Initial Teacher Training (ITT) programme for a Student Teacher or in-setting mentor for Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS). We are looking forward to supporting you on your mentoring journey.

Recognised for our excellent quality, Best Practice Network (BPN) is a national provider of Initial Teacher Training, the Early Career Framework (ECF) and National Professional Qualifications (NPQs).

We are now one of just a few organisations delivering the full golden thread of teacher CPD nationally.

Our programme leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum, with clear aims and expectations, making sure that each part of the curriculum fits together, whether it is delivered online, in school/placement settings or through in-person training. The mentor curriculum aligns with the trainee curriculum enabling you to build a secure knowledge and understanding of the BPN ITT curriculum/s and to fully support your Student Teachers to ensure their successful outcomes and completion.                           

Please take the time to explore this webpage and register as a mentor for your student teacher by clicking on the 'register to be a mentor' button below . You will also find the relevant welcome pack for the programme you are mentoring on. We are very excited to be embarking on this journey with you. Please contact  Teach@bestpracticenet.co.uk if you have any questions.

Mentor registration

Please click below to download your mentor welcome pack:

FAQs are coming soon! Any questions please do contact us at teach@bestpracticenet.co.uk