"The EYITT course content is highly relevant and engaging - it was exhilarating to read about or investigate a teaching and learning approach and be able try it out the next day in the classroom, under the experienced eye of a mentor and a tutor. I cannot recommend this course highly enough to anyone needing the confidence to advance in their careers in EYFS. Obviously it is challenging studying alongside a full-time job but the course design, organisation and high level of support is designed to ensure you succeed."

Chloe Brown | EYITT Graduate

Would you like to become an early years teacher?

We are accepting applications for our next EYITT intake. There are two routes to becoming an early years teacher. Choose option relevant to you and apply!


If you are a graduate working in an early years setting, use the button below to apply.

Apply for part-time training

If you don't work in an early years setting and would like to enter the Early Years sector, apply below. 

Apply for full-time training