Best Practice Network leads on Equality Leadership Programmes

Best Practice Network leads on Equality Leadership Programmes

The DfE has released the feedback from the 2015-16 participants in the Leadership Equality and Diversity programmes. BPN led a programme in Newham with the Learning in Harmony Trust. Headteachers remarked on the success of the programme for their leaders:

  • "She has developed her confidence in leadership. She took on the year group lead this year and has been instrumental in arranging meetings with other year group leads to ensure continuity and consistency across the school."
  • "She takes greater account of other people’s perspectives and workload when leading. Willingness to tackle difficult situations and challenge and support staff through coaching and mentoring."
  • "One participant, although new to phase, has taken on a leadership role that has enabled the school to use other members of staff more strategically."

BPN has now secured funding to mount three new programmes in this academic year in London.